Celebrating National Ice Cream Day with Your Kids

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day with Your Kids

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day with Your Kids

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day with Your Kids

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day with Your Kids

Let's face it: almost everyone loves ice cream. Whether you are enjoying it on a hot summer afternoon or a cool fall evening, there is nothing like a cup or cone for kids of all ages. This December 13, celebrate National Ice Cream Day with a big bowl of ice cream for everyone in the family. Here are five of the best ice creams your family needs to try.

1. Chocolate

Sometimes it is a classic for a reason! There are few things as delicious as a hearty bowl of chocolate ice cream. For a little variety, try a variation: maybe chocolate with chocolate chips, or fudge swirls. For the older kids, try a chocolate ice cream with coffee flavor. The options are endless!

2. Cookies and Cream

Of course, another great option is a classic vanilla ice cream with cookie crumbles: how can you go wrong?

3. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Finally, a safe way for kids to eat and enjoy raw cookie dough! The texture cannot be beat in this prime flavor for the whole family.

4. Black Raspberry

It's true — some kids are picky and may be hesitant about fruit-flavored ice cream. But black raspberry is a tasty way to add another unique flavor to your family's repertoire.

5. Mint Chocolate Chip

Whether green or white, it is a fresh and tasty option for the whole family!

Stay Healthy

Ice cream certainly is delicious, but all that sugar and dairy requires a little extra care for your teeth and body. For that reason, ensure your children receive the best oral health care year-round by visiting Pediatric Dental Group.

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