3 Ways to Celebrate National Lazy Mom's Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Lazy Mom's Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Lazy Mom's Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Lazy Mom's Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Lazy Mom's Day

Mom's life can be tough. It is often hard to find the time to give back to yourself, but September 3rd is the perfect opportunity to sit back and relax because it is National Lazy Mom’s Day. Intended to remind hardworking moms to take time for themselves once in a while, National Lazy Mom’s Day is a wonderful day to:

1. Have Your Partner Take the Kids

Though you love your little ones more than anything, occasional time away from them can really hit the spot. Bless your partner with the children for the day and bless yourself with some solitude. Whether it is locking yourself in the bedroom and binge-watching your favorite show or heading to the spa for some self-care, give yourself a little break from the demands of being a mother and enjoy simply being.

2. Order in or take out

Every meal does not have to be handmade in your kitchen. Let National Lazy Mom’s Day be the day you get your favorite Thai food or pizza and call it a day. Your kids will love the special food and you will love not having to cook and clean up.

3. Look Through Old Pictures

You love your kids at every age but thinking back on their younger years can pull at your heartstrings in an especially poignant way. Get out your baby albums or pull up pictures on your phone and look at the beautiful children you are bringing up. Marvel over how tiny they once were and revel in their joy, reminding yourself why you do all this hard work in the first place.

Enjoy National Lazy Mom’s Day by letting these ideas put a smile on your face. To keep your children’s smiles healthy and bright, contact the Pediatric Dental Group and schedule a routine cleaning today.

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