Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Celebrating Women in Dentistry

March is the time to celebrate women's history month. Women throughout history have made great contributions to humankind in every field: Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, the list goes on and on. Learning about them is a good way to teach your daughters to reach for the sky and your sons to respect the women in their lives.

Not every woman who has great accomplishments on her record has become a household name. There are many worthy candidates for recognition that you may not have heard of. The field of dentistry has many women whose names you may not know but they should still be celebrated. Let's take a look at some of these amazing ladies.


Women's History Month: Celebrating Dentists

Lucy Hobbs Taylor was the first American woman to earn a dental degree. Dr. Taylor was a 19th Century teacher who wished to work in medicine. She was barred because of her gender. She was mentored by the dean of the Ohio School of Dental Surgery and studied in secret, earning a degree in 1866. A true women's rights pioneer, Lucy Hobbs Taylor practiced until she retired in 1886.


The First Female Practicing Dentist

Although she didn't earn a degree, Emmeline Roberts Jones learned dentistry from her husband, Dr. Daniel Jones. She was the first practicing female dentist and continued her career after her husband died. Truly worthy to be recognized for women's history month, Emmeline Roberts Jones was made an honorary member of the National Dental Association in 1914.


The First Female African-American Dentist

An amazing woman, Dr. Ida Gray broke two glass ceilings. After her 1890 graduation from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Dr. Gray went into practice with her husband in Ohio and then Chicago, thus becoming the first female African-American dentist. Her practice included a diverse group of patients and she was an inspiration to people of many backgrounds to enter the field of dentistry.


The Mother of Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Minnie Evangeline Jordon is an excellent candidate to be remembered during women's history month. After graduating with a dental degree from the University of California in 1898, Dr. Jordon created a course called, "Care of Children's Teeth" at the clinic she ran at an orphanage. This was the beginning of pediatric dentistry and Dr. Jordon is one of the founders of the American Society of Dentistry for Children.


Celebrate Women's History Month

The human race has produced incredible women throughout the ages, including those in dentistry. They are not all located in the past, however. There are contemporary female dentists who are special people too. Pediatric Dental Group is proud to have two of them on the team.


Dr. Lauren Jenni Imai

Dr. Lauren Jenni Imai was born and raised in Honolulu and graduated from the Iolani school. Upon graduation from high school, Dr. Imai earned a BA and DDA in a combined program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. It was during her dental studies that Dr. Imai found her calling in children’s and adolescents’ oral health care.


After dental school, Dr. Imai completed her residency in pediatric dentistry at the University of Califormia-San Francisco, where she also earned an MS in oral and craniofacial sciences. She is the proud mother of a ten-year-old and seven-year-old daughter.


Dr. JJ Chun

Dr. JJ Chun was also born and raised in Hawaii on the island of Kauai. After earning her undergrad degree at the University of Hawai’i-Manoa, Dr. Chun attended the University of Iowa where she earned her DDS. She completed pediatric dental training at UCLA and practiced in California before returning home to Hawaii to practice at PDG.

Dr. Chun is happily married to an endodontist with a private practice in Honolulu and has two daughters aged 21 and 19, and a 17-year-old son. Dr. Chun and her wonderful family like to stay active in the outdoors, enjoying paddle boarding, hiking, and their newest sport, pickleball.


Smile! It’s Time to Celebrate Women

The contributions women have made to every aspect of life are tremendous and we are excited to honor them throughout the month of March. The ladies of dentistry are no exception. If you are seeking oral care for your children, contact the Pediatric Dental Group for skilled experienced dentists who are great with kids.

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