3 Ways to Celebrate National Coaches Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Coaches Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Coaches Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Coaches Day

3 Ways to Celebrate National Coaches Day

October 6 — National Coaches Day — is a special day, designed for identifying the important coaches in your family's life. While sometimes overlooked, especially next to teachers and parents, coaches play vital roles for millions of kids, teaching them not just about some of our most beloved games and sports, but by instructing them more universal values too: teamwork, empathy, sportsmanship, and hard work, among others.

On National Coaches Day, it is more important than ever to honor these essential people in your and your children's lives. Consider any of the following suggestions as a great way to honor the coaches around you.

Host a Team Party

Is your child on soccer, basketball, baseball, or other sports team? Consider having a group gathering at your home or a local park to celebrate the team — and in this case — its coach. A gathering can be a great bonding experience for kids and a great way to get to know other parents and coaches. In this instance, it can also be a way to specifically honor an important coach and all the meaningful work he or she does.

Volunteer Your Time

Being a coach is hard work, even with young kids. Often, coaches are overworked and underpaid (if they're even paid at all). Help take the load off a little bit by volunteering, perhaps as an assistant coach. You can offer real, tangible support to that vital coach in your kids' life while getting to experience the joy of coaching yourself and working to make a difference for the families around you.

Support the Team in Other Ways

Sports are often underfunded, and the burden frequently falls on coaches to make up the difference. You can help by contributing gear or other items of value for use by the team, and their coach. Soccer balls, cleats, baseball equipment, and more can go a long way towards taking some stress away from the coach and ensuring all kids can have a great time. If you cannot afford to donate, don't worry! Even offering rides, or coordinating with parents in other ways, can do a great deal to help the team and its coach.

Keep Those Teeth Healthy

On National Coaches Day, and every day, you want your kids’ teeth to be well-taken care of. Pediatric Dental Group has over 50 years of experience in pediatric dentistry. Contact Pediatric Dental Group to make sure your kids' teeth are as healthy as they should be.

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