What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

If you've noticed that your child experiences sharp pains in their mouth while eating certain foods, their discomfort could be related to tooth sensitivity. When the enamel on a tooth wears away, the nerves at its roots become exposed. Then when something hot, cold, sweet, or sour gets on the tooth, it can reach the nerves and irritate them.


Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

If your child continues to experience this pain, make an appointment with your pediatric dentist so they can identify the cause. There are several things that can cause a tooth to be sensitive. Here are a few of them.



Excess sugar in the mouth is a major contributor to the formation of cavities. Tooth decay from cavities that form in teeth leaves openings for irritants to enter and affect the nerves. At Pediatric Dental Group, we use tooth-colored composite fillings to fill and repair decayed teeth for children. This helps eliminate the pain in their sensitive teeth.


Tooth Injuries

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a loose or cracked tooth. This provides a way for food and beverages to reach the inner nerves. Chewing on an injured tooth can also cause irritation or pain.


Grinding Teeth

If your child grinds their teeth when they are stressed or nervous, it can wear down their enamel. This is another way a tooth can get damaged, leaving the nerves exposed. Speak to your dentist and they may recommend using mouthguards to help your child with this.



A toothbrushing mistake that children and adults both make is brushing too hard. This can wear down tooth enamel and cause gums to recede. It also allows things to reach the nerve endings of a tooth and cause some pain.


Get Help for Your Child’s Tooth Sensitivity

The first step to address your child's tooth sensitivity is to have their teeth examined. At Pediatric Dental Group, our dentist can provide you with the services your child needs. Contact us today to make an appointment. We also have offices in both Honolulu and Lihue for your convenience.

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