When Should Your Child Go To An Orthodontist

When Should Your Child Go To An Orthodontist

When Should Your Child Go To An Orthodontist

When Should Your Child Go To An Orthodontist

When Should Your Child Go To An Orthodontist

Orthodontic issues such as misaligned teeth don't fix themselves. You should take your child to see an orthodontist while they are still young. Taking them to this specialist at a young age ensures they get the care they need to mitigate potential problems and prevent future complications.


Orthodontists Can See Patients Starting at Age 7

Sometimes, your child can have teeth alignment issues that you can easily detect. Other issues require orthodontists with trained eyes to see. By 7, your child can go for an oral exam and X-rays, which can tell if they have any conditions that require treatment. Early treatment, sometimes while baby teeth are still present, can help correct these issues and reduce issues later on.


Orthodontic Treatment Can Fix Certain Problems at a Young Age

Orthodontists can help with various cosmetic and functional issues that cause your child pain, discomfort, or lack of confidence. Some problems that an orthodontist can treat at an early age include:


  • Underbites

  • Crossbites

  • Shifting jaws

  • Crowded teeth

  • Spaced teeth


They can also help with missing teeth, extra teeth, abnormal teeth, and issues caused by using a pacifier for too long.


You Should Take Action Early

You don't need to wait for your pediatric dentist to recognize one of these issues and recommend orthodontic work. General dentists focus on different parts of oral health, so they might not notice some of these issues until it is too late. Therefore, you should take your child to an orthodontist while their face and jaw are still developing.


Trust Our Orthodontists To Help Improve Your Child's Smile

An orthodontist can help your child improve their smile starting at seven years old. In addition, they can help get the right orthodontic appliances to help align your child's teeth and jaw, so they have a beautiful smile down the road. Contact us today to get an appointment at your local office.

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