Celebrate Your Favorite 4th Grader on National 4th Graders Day

Celebrate Your Favorite 4th Grader on National 4th Graders Day

Celebrate Your Favorite 4th Grader on National 4th Graders Day

Celebrate Your Favorite 4th Grader on National 4th Graders Day

Celebrate Your Favorite 4th Grader on National 4th Graders Day

When a child is in 4th grade, they are on the cusp of some major transitions in life. It is around this age that many kids begin to experience puberty, and students are reaching the end of their time in elementary school. Though it is a special time in childhood, it can also be a challenging one, which is even more reason why you should take time to celebrate your 4th grader on January 10, National 4th Graders Day.

1. Let Them Set the Menu

Kids in 4th grade are just beginning to have some real autonomy, and they appreciate every chance to be the decision-makers in the house. Letting them choose the family’s meals for National 4th Grader Day is a great way to honor that budding maturity. Give them choices for each meal so they have perimeters to work within and you can control the budget and the sugar intake. They'll love being "in control," and you'll love not having to pick what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

2. Plan a Fun Family Activity

Think of something your 4th grader would enjoy that the whole family could do together. It does not have to be elaborate or expensive. For many kids that age, a round of basketball or a family video gaming session would be at the top of the list. Just make sure the idea shows your 4th grader you respect their interests and want to be an active part of their lives. Knowing you are there to support and love them will help ease the stress of the changes ahead.

Put a smile on your 4th grader’s face this January 10. Keep that smile bright and clean by scheduling an appointment for your child with Pediatric Dental Group today.

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